Welcome to Year 7 at Newman Catholic College. What an exciting journey you are about to embark on. Over the next 12 months, you will begin to study a variety of subjects which you might never have studied before.
These subjects are taught by subject specialist teachers in specialist classrooms fully equipped with resources you will need in those areas. An extensive team of pastoral staff, including your form tutors, are here to look after your well-being.
You will have an Academic Coordinator who will oversee your progress to ensure you become the best you can be.
At Newman, we aim to develop you academically, socially and morally and our curriculum
and extra curriculum offers have been designed to support this.
We are aware that during your primary school years, you have developed many skills, skills in leadership, resilience, and independence. These skills will be further developed at Newman College through our Neman experience which aims to provide opportunities for you to develop leadership skills further, create cultural opportunities and allow you to grow socially with your peers.
Throughout Key Stage 3 you will have the opportunity to study the following subjects:
Religious Education
Physical Education
Design Technology
Information Technology
Like Skills
We look forward to experiencing your journey alongside you
Mrs N Foley
Assistant Head Teacher
KS3 and Transition

Transition Videos