Newman College is a fully inclusive school. The college prides itself on working with young people and their families when it is recognised that a young person requires some form of additional support, whether this is short or long term. The college has a variety of support mechanisms available for a wide range of needs, issues and challenges that they may face including:
Medical needs
Special educational needs
English as an Additional Language
Social, Emotional and Mental Health issues
Some young people who access support from the Inclusion Faculty will do so throughout their school life as they require intensive and on going support. However, some young people access the support available on a short term basis only to help them overcome a particular problem or issue.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)
The Inclusion staff work closely with pupils and parents where a child has an identified special educational need. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) will provide guidance to teachers as to what strategies are appropriate for supporting SEN needs in lessons.
Some individual pupils may receive support from a Teaching Assistant in lessons to ensure that the pupil’s learning is maximised. Some pupils on the SEN register will receive more intensive support in areas such as literacy, numeracy, social skills, speech and language development etc which takes the form of either individual or small group sessions outside of the mainstream classroom.
The college works very closely with a wide range of external support agencies in order that the SEN needs of pupils are fully met. More information can be found in the College’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy.
English as an Additional Language (EAL) provision:
Some pupils receive support for the development of their English Language skills.
Again this may take the form of guidance given to subject staff as to in class support strategies or it may be intensive support with pupils needing to be withdrawn from some lessons in order to provide specific language development programs.
Inclusion Keyworker and Learning Mentor Support:
Occasionally some pupils struggle to cope with a full time timetable.
On a short term basis pupils may be assigned an Inclusion Keyworker who will work one to one with the pupils to address their specific issue.
The Inclusion Keyworker will work with the pupil and their family to ensure that the pupil is back into full time mainstream lessons as quickly as possible.
The college provides a counselling service for pupils when pupils encounter more serious issues which could include things such as bereavement, family background, anxiety etc.

Testing for Examination Access Arrangements:
A member of the Inclusion Faculty is a fully qualified specialist assessor who is able to test pupils to see if they qualify for access arrangements for tests and exams such as extra time, reader, scribe or use of a laptop. Permission will be gained from parents before a pupil is tested and parents will receive a copy of the report from this testing and be informed as to whether their child will qualify for any access arrangements.
If you have any concerns about the welfare of your child and wish to speak to someone about the possibility of them accessing additional support in school then please contact your child’s form tutor, Year Leader or Pastoral Co-ordinator in the first instance.