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Welcome to RSE




  • Our North Star states “We use our vocation of teaching to give an unfair advantage to our community, leaving no door closed to them”, this includes ensuring all of our young people know how to be safe and healthy and understand what it is to be a human created in the image of God. 

  • As a Catholic school we need to ensure we fulfil John 10:10 “I have come that you might have life and have it to the full”, the unique dignity of each human person means we are all seen as a gift from God and this needs to be reflected in our personal development and relationships. 


Ofsted Requirements: 

  • To meet the statutory requirements within the DfE Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum, updated in July 2020. 

  • To meet the PSHE Curriculum, as outlined by the non-statutory DfE guidance in February 2020 and the curriculum as outlined by the PSHE Association. 

  • To respond appropriately to the July 2021 Ofsted Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence in schools. 


Church Requirements: 

  • To ensure RSE is taught within the Church’s moral teachings. 

  • To ensure Christ is the center of the formation of the child and personal development, relationships and risks involved are taught in the context of human dignity.  


Vision of RSE 

  • To be faithful to the Church’s vision of human wholeness and recognise its contemporary context; 

  • To encourage pupils’ growth in self respect, acknowledging we are all created in the likeness of God; 

  • To help pupils develop an understanding that love is the central basis of relationships; 

  • To help pupils to understand the nature of relationships and to encourage them to reflect on their own relationships and respect differences between people; 

  • To develop pupils’ confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings and relationships in a safe place; 

  • To help pupils acquire the skills necessary to develop and sustain relationships; 

  • To offer sex education in the wider context of relationships; 

  • To teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies; 

  • To create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships; 

  • To ensure that pupils protect themselves and ask for help and support when needed; 

  • To ensure that pupils are prepared for puberty; 

  • To include parents in their understanding of RSE and the impact on their child’s life; 

  • To help pupils to develop a healthier, safer lifestyle; and 

  • To prepare pupils to play an active role as citizens and to understand the Catholic vision of what it means to be citizens of the Kingdom/reign of God. 


pupil voice

parent voice

Parent information

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