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Mrs Hampson
Subject Leader - RE
RE at Newman Catholic College is the study of the relationship between faith and life, so we can form individuals who are religiously literate, self-aware and curious, who can open their hearts to God, others and themselves.
The RE curriculum is a five-year plan that covers the Religious Education Directory, set by the Bishops of England and Wales, which focuses on Catholic Theology, as well as the study of other Abrahamic religions, Dharmic religions and secular viewpoints.
All year groups in KS3 follow a spiral curriculum:
Creation and Covenant - General Revelation
Prophecy and Promise – Special Revelation
Galilee to Jerusalem – Ministry of Jesus
Desert to Garden – Passion Narrative
To the Ends of the Earth – The Church
Dialogue and Encounters – Other faiths and worldviews
KS4 follows Edexcel Religious Studies Specification A.
Catholic Christianity, Judaism and Religion, Philosophy & Ethics
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened"
Matthew 7:7-12
Careers in re
Religious Education relates to a wide variety of careers that draw on knowledge of different faiths, ethics, and cultural awareness. Some of these careers include:
Teaching and Education: Becoming an RE teacher in schools or a lecturer at a college or university, developing curriculum materials, or working as an educational consultant.
Chaplains: Serving in schools, hospitals, prisons, the military, or universities, offering spiritual guidance, counseling, and support to people in various settings.
Interfaith and Community Work: Roles such as interfaith coordinators, community outreach workers, or religious diversity officers, fostering dialogue and understanding between different religious and cultural groups.
Social Work and Counseling: Providing support for individuals or communities, especially in areas where faith and ethics play a key role in people's lives.
Journalism and Media: Reporting on religious topics, writing for faith-based publications, or creating media content that addresses religious and ethical issues.
Policy and Advocacy: Working in government or advocacy groups to address issues related to religion, ethics, and human rights.
Religious Leadership and Ministry: Becoming a Priest, Imam, Rabbi, or other religious leader, guiding and counseling members of a religious community.
Theology and Religious Studies: Engaging in academic research or becoming a theologian, exploring religious texts, doctrines, and the history of religions.
Museums and Heritage Organizations: Working in roles related to the curation, preservation, and interpretation of religious artifacts and historical sites.