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Transition Days

Dear Parents and Carers,


First of all, can I thank you for returning all information we sent you in the welcome email to ensure we have all the information we need to welcome your child in September.


I would like to take this opportunity to update you with our current transition plans. Now that SATs have finished, we are working hard with all our primary colleagues to gather as much information as possible on all children for their arrival. In many cases we are also visiting primaries and will get a chance to meet with the children. We are also preparing to welcome the pupils into Newman on the transition days which are Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July 2024.


These days are to provide pupils with the opportunity to experience life at Newman. Pupils will arrive at Newman independently for 08:45 and make their own arrangements to get home at the end of the school day 15:15. Pupils are to come to Newman in their full Primary school uniform.


During our transition days pupils will be placed into groups for the two days based on their primary school. During these two days pupils will experience different subjects, learn about our patron saint, experience our literacy/numeracy programme, complete a ready age test and more.


Key dates to remember:

1.       LA borough wide transition days Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July 2024.

2.       Thursday 4th July 16:30-17:30 Parent and Carer information evening.

3.       Form groups emailed home week commencing 15th July 2024.


We look forward to meeting the children during the transition days, and parents and carers on 4th July. In the meantime, please can you continue to follow us on twitter @NewmanRCCollege and check the Newman College website for all our transition videos.


Your sincerely

Mrs N Foley

Assistant Head Teacher

KS3 and Transition

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