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Emmaus Catholic Academy Trust Welcome

1st March 2025

We warmly welcome the pupils and parents/carers of Saint John Henry Newman Roman Catholic College to Emmaus Catholic Academy Trust.

On behalf of the Emmaus Catholic Academy Trust (CAT) Board of Directors, the Emmaus CAT Central Team and the Governing Body of Saint John Henry Newman Roman Catholic College we would like to take this opportunity to welcome the school and its whole community to the Emmaus CAT family of schools.

We firmly believe that Saint John Henry Newman RC College will contribute significantly to the strategic direction of Emmaus CAT, and we are excited for the future of the school as we continue support and deliver the Diocesan strategic growth strategy over the coming months and years.

The Emmaus Central Team will work with school leaders and the school community to ensure that all our pupils get the very best Catholic education for years to come.

We would also like to take this opportunity to confirm that Mrs Kerry Phillips, currently Senior Deputy Headteacher at Newman College has secured the interim role of Headteacher and will take up her new position following the Easter break, Monday 21st of April until the end of this academic year, 31st of August 2025. We would like to wish Mrs Phillips every success in her new role.

We also aim to announce the appointment of the new substantiative Headteacher before Easter 2025 following the recruitment process.

We thank you all for your continued support and look forward to ensuring we continue to provide great Catholic education across Greater Manchester.

Yours sincerely,

Catherine Anderson Daniel Copley John Cassin

Chair of Directors CSEL/CEO Chair of Governors


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