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Mr Burn
2nd in History
Our statement of intent
1. To teach pupils powerful knowledge to help them understand the power and social structures of the environment that they live in, as well as the factors influencing those structures. This should give them the tools that they need to make positive political and social change in line with Catholic social teachings.
2. To equip students to achieve their absolute potential in History academically, opening up for them a wide range of future study options.”
For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope”
Romans 15:4
Careers in history
History key skills:
-Research (finding information)
-Analysing (questioning information and finding patterns)
-Making judgements
-Cultural sensitivity
People who have studied history
President Biden - politician
Steve Carell – actor and comedian
Shakira - musician
Louis Theroux – journalist
Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson – former prime ministers
Jobs all about history:
-Museum curator
-Heritage manager
Jobs that use history skills:
-Civil service administrator
-Business manager
-Human resources
-Charity sector