The Newman Way:
‘the way we do
things around here’
The Newman Way put simply is that ‘All students are in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing with the right attitude.’ When put into practice, this strategy provides a safe environment that supports high levels of learning and progress and is the foundation for developing positive learning behaviours.
Students and staff follow well established clear routines in classrooms and all aspects of college life to create a framework of social norms that reclaim time for learning and ensure that students achieve more academically and socially.
Strong home-college relationships are key to realising the
God-given talent and potential of every young person and our Home College Agreement (included in our Behaviour for Learning Policy) makes our expectations of Students, Parents and the College explicit. The foundations of our expectations are based on our Core Values of Love, Courage, Faith, Vocation, Service, Dignity and Excellence and we hold all parties to account so that we realise our North Star:
‘We use our vocation of teaching to give an unfair advantage
to all our students leaving no door closed to them.’
We insist on the highest standards of professional dress for staff and students because the college is a professional establishment characterised by dignity and excellence.
Uniform plays an essential role in setting the ethos of our college and the tone we experience day to day. Wearing of the correct uniform demonstrates a sense of pride and identity amongst our students. It sets the standard for a strong sense of equity and cohesion and prepares our students for what will be expected of them beyond college in the world of work. Students must ensure that they adhere to college uniform expectations at all times.
Every day, as students arrive to college, they are welcomed by a range of Senior and Pastoral staff. At this time, any deviation from high standards of appearance and uniform will be addressed. In the event that a student is missing a piece of uniform, the college will endeavour to loan a suitable replacement and seek parental support to prevent this being repeated. Should a student be wearing, or in possession of, banned items such as jewellery, trainers or hoodies, these will be confiscated at the point of entry and held securely until the end of the day.
Additionally, if a student is in breach of our strict expectations regarding make-up, false tan, fake nails etc. then steps will be taken to address this before the student reaches their learning.
All students wearing full college uniform, smartly with pride, and the absence of banned items supports our core purpose of effective teaching and learning.

Equipped for Learning
Students must arrive to college each day ready and equipped for learning. They must have a college bag containing their planner, pencil case (containing pens, pencils, ruler and rubber), reading book, and calculator (Casio FxGT).
Students are also responsible for organising equipment for specialist lessons such as bringing PE kit on the relevant days. Students are provided with a locker in which to keep their belongings, and equipment.
The wearing of outdoor coats is not permitted in the building therefore they must be stored in student lockers.
Should students choose to wear their coat outside at social times, it must be placed inside their bag or carried over their arm until reaching outdoor spaces.

Behaviour and Safety in College
Good behaviour is not simply the absence of bad behaviour. To avoid incidents of poor behaviour, the college treats behaviour as a curriculum subject and proactively teaches students how to behave. For example, students are taught how to develop good habits of study and interact socially with one another and adults. They are also taught how to cope with intellectual challenges and adversity to develop their resilience.
Our high expectations are communicated clearly to students and staff so that they are understood and applied consistently. Clear routines are set in the classroom and across all aspects of college life, to create the social norms that we expect to see throughout and beyond our community.
The Behaviour for Learning policy describes the systems and processes that are implemented consistently and fairly to deal with incidents of negative behaviour; support improving behaviour; and recognise and celebrate positive behaviour including effort, achievement and attainment.
Positive recognition of good behaviour and celebration of achievement are amongst the most powerful aids to teaching, learning, maintaining high standards of behaviour and fostering a positive culture and climate within the college. A community built on the foundation of positive recognition is far more successful, motivating and inspiring than one driven by consequences.
At Newman RC College we insist that all staff, expect all students, to do the right thing, in all aspects of college life and in turn recognise them for doing so. Positive recognition is not limited to conduct but encompasses a far wider remit including; behaviour, achievement, learning and progress, effort, uniform, attendance, punctuality and effective citizenship.
The college implements a wide variety of positive recognition strategies for students including verbal praise, Recognition Points, star of the lesson awards, star of the week awards, written praise in books and planners, praise postcards, celebratory tweets, positive phone calls home, letters home, My Ed messages home, certificates, rewards assemblies and celebratory events. Celebration assemblies are held each half term in all year groups. During these assemblies, students are recognised and rewarded for their achievement, effort, progress, attendance and attitudes to learning.
The Newman Way is at the heart of our ethos and approach to managing behaviour in a positive and dignified manner. Should students find that they are either in the wrong place, at the wrong time or doing the wrong thing or displaying the wrong attitude, then students will be directed clearly as to what it is they must do in order to correct their negative behaviour. This means that they are given a Chance. Should a student fail to respond to the opportunity a Chance affords them, then they will be given a Choice. The student will be reminded what it is that they must do to correct their negative behaviour and informed that a consequence will be put in place should they Choose not to respond as requested again.
Should a student continue to be off task and cause disruption to learning despite being issued with a chance and a choice, then a Consequence will be put in place by the teacher that accounts for individual context and circumstances.
The aim of Consequences is to reinforce boundaries and expectations of behaviour however, in addition, the must look to restore the student-teacher relationship.
Consequences must be certain, clear, as immediate as possible, proportionate, incremental and reflective and can therefore be wide-ranging. For example, remaining behind at the end of a lesson for a conversation to a more formal sanction such as a break time, lunchtime or after college detention.
Behaviour is constantly monitored electronically through our use of Classcharts and at all levels, (including class teacher, form tutor, Pastoral Coordinator, Year Leader and Senior Leaders) and clear lines of communication with parents and carers guaranteed, particularly through the use of the MyEd system.
The college ‘Escalation of Response’ (detailed in the Behaviour for Learning Policy) is consistently applied so that all students are in receipt of high quality pastoral care, guidance and support; all parents and carers are fully informed of and involved in the personalized support for their child and that external, professional expertise is sought when required.

Behaviour and Safety traveling
to and from College
Newman RC College continuously strives to establish and maintain positive relationships with the wider community. As such we instill in our students, that whilst they are travelling to and from college, that they are acting as ambassadors of the college and that the same high expectations are placed on them in terms of their conduct.
Behaviour beyond college is a regular topic for Year group assemblies to ensure that students are informed and educated regarding staying safe and conducting themselves as considerate, respectful and valued members of the local community and society.
Students must behave and act responsibly and safely at all times in order that they do not put themselves or others at risk nor do they bring the college reputation into disrepute. Where necessary, the college will make contact with parents and apply appropriate consequences in response to behaviour that does not meet the standards we expect whilst traveling to and from college.